Baggator featured on Sported’s Thank You List

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Thank you Day 2021Sported is a UK-wide charity that supports community sport clubs and youth groups across the UK that deliver Sport for Development.

For Thank You Day in 2021 Sported featured the work that Baggator has been doing……

Stuart Phelps, the Chair of the group, explained that as the country went into lockdown “poverty, anxiety and needs shot up – many of our friends and neighbours were in marginal employment and simply lost their income; no furlough or support for self-employed Uber drivers, for example. Young people were abandoned to their own devices, if their parents lacked the means (time/money) to protect them.

So, we launched the ‘Baggator Nexus’ – we linked up with like-minded groups and organisations like BMCS [Bristol Muslim Cultural Society] and Super Supper Club and converted the building into a food hub cooking and distributing free cooked meals – often frozen, for ease of storage/transport – vegan, vegetarian, Halal.”

You can read the full post here:

Sported marks Thank You Day by celebrating the efforts made by groups

And you can find out more about the work that Baggator does at the Pickle Factory at