Green Party Easton and Lawrence Hill Surgeries

Do you have a local issue that you’d like to discuss with a councillor? Yassin Mohamud (Lawrence Hill ward) and Jenny Bartle and Barry Parsons (Easton ward) are here to help. We are the Green Party’s councillors in these wards. We have arranged surgeries in different locations across the two wards.

If it isn’t convenient to come to a surgery, our email addresses are at the bottom of the poster.

Day and timeVenue
First Tuesday of every month 6:00 – 7:00pmBARTON HILL SETTLEMENT 43 Ducie Road, Barton Hill
Second Tuesday of every month 6:00 – 7:00pmZOOM ID: 727 6979 7608   Password: green
Third Friday of every month 11:00 – 12:00amEASTON COMMUNITY CENTRE Kilburn Street, Easton, Bristol BS5 6AW
Fourth Wednesday of every month 6:00 – 7:30pmBAGGATOR All Hallows Rd, Easton
Councillor name and wardEmail address
Councillor Yassin Mohamud (Lawrence Hill)
Councillor Jenny Bartle (Easton)
Councillor Barry Parsons (Easton)